Welcome back to WWYATS?

The last printed Where were you at the Shay? was a celebration edition following Stan Ternent's championship in 1997. It was never meant to be the last one, it just sort of happened that way. We'd laughed and moaned through several seasons and when all of a sudden you've been to Wembley and then had two consecutive promotions it seemed a little churlish to keep complaining.

Of course if we'd known what was to follow we'd have probably kept going, two seasons in the (real) 2nd division - now the Championship to those of you under 15 - the fall of Hugh Eaves, SOS, administration, BASE (remember them?), relegations, not to mention the combined mismanagement of Messers Warnock, Preece, Barrow and Casper have all gone without the barbed but considered comment of WWYATS?

In the world of the internet it is difficult, if not verging on the impossible, to produce a football fanzine that is reactive to current issues and come up with a different view, as dozens of people will have posted their thoughts on the message board(s) of their choosing within moments of them becoming common knowledge.

Hopefully this blog will allow the old team to sharpen its claws again, without the need to stand outside Gigg Lane in all weathers working out if we've broken even on the latest edition, and maybe even allow a new contributor or two to raise their head and have a say. The old favourites will be resurrected and a few new ones developed, and there'll be an opportunity for some WWYATS? gold with some classics from the old fanzines posted up for your enjoyment again.

Thanks for visiting, please pop back regularly and enjoy the blog.

Up The Shakers.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Talking about a Revolution

Like all Bury fans I breathed a sigh of relief at the end of May when the white smoke emerged from the Cistine chapel (or at least Mike the groundsman's storeroom) to confirm the end of the protracted take over negotiations and signal relief from the financial woes of the last few months.
The Gigg Lane PR machine has been in overdrive ever since promising a smarter corporate image, an overhaul of facilities and most refreshingly a much needed simplification of the pricing structure, a move which has been met with a positive response from supporters, especially as it shows a degree of understanding of where 3rd and 4th tier football should be realistically pricing itself.

The new board seem happy to enter into dialogue with interested parties and present their views of what they've found so far which is always a good sign, but there are certain elements of the last few weeks which have felt clunky at best. The branding of the 'revolution' with the inundation of posters, hashtags and clever marketing, #BuryareBack made me wonder as, thankfully down to the actions of the new owners, we hadn't been anywhere as far as I can see (even though it was mighty close). The lack of photographic evidence of who the new regime were, whilst a minor detail, made Shakers nervous, as does the perceived lack of movement on the 'players in' side of the ledger. We were promised 'exciting news' almost straight away but since then KB, like a miserable party spoiling uncle turning down our music, poured cold water on expectations warning not to expect too much, and I fear "We are 5 weeks behind" will become this years banker on Blackwell Bingo as he trots out a favoured sound byte or two.

Having had an anxious end of the season, and a start to the close season offering days at a time with a months worth of information in an afternoon, all Shakers fans need now is a period of consolidation where everyone does their bit and puts together a club we can be proud of on August 3rd, an excitement peaking at news of a new signing we've heard of or a tantalising peak at a new kit .
As I write signs are positive, fan concerns over who may be lurking on the periphery of the take over were quickly addressed, pre season has an interesting feel to it with some old (Radcliffe Boro), some new (Cornish tour) and a game v European opposition at Gigg giving the faithful something to look forward to. New sponsors are getting on board and the new guard seem to know what they should be giving them, and are working to put that in place.

My own take on the events of recent weeks is that Bury FC are obviously under very new management, new management who obviously want the best for the club and seem well placed to make that happen. The danger with any 'revolution' is that there are almost always casualties, and the possible collatoral damage of this revolution will be some of the things that make Bury FC the entertaining, infuriating but always ever present part of our lives that it has been. The club has been around for almost 130 years, not everything it has done has been wrong, out dated and needs dumping in a skip at the reception door.
Thank you massively to the board for saving our club. As fans we need to gratefully acknowledge the financial implications taken on our behalf, respectfully can we ask you to acknowledge that you have implications towards us also, in guiding something we hold extremely precious. There will be times when emotions are fraught, decisions questioned, motives doubted and minutiae scrutinised but please remember its only because we care.

Up the Shakers