Welcome back to WWYATS?

The last printed Where were you at the Shay? was a celebration edition following Stan Ternent's championship in 1997. It was never meant to be the last one, it just sort of happened that way. We'd laughed and moaned through several seasons and when all of a sudden you've been to Wembley and then had two consecutive promotions it seemed a little churlish to keep complaining.

Of course if we'd known what was to follow we'd have probably kept going, two seasons in the (real) 2nd division - now the Championship to those of you under 15 - the fall of Hugh Eaves, SOS, administration, BASE (remember them?), relegations, not to mention the combined mismanagement of Messers Warnock, Preece, Barrow and Casper have all gone without the barbed but considered comment of WWYATS?

In the world of the internet it is difficult, if not verging on the impossible, to produce a football fanzine that is reactive to current issues and come up with a different view, as dozens of people will have posted their thoughts on the message board(s) of their choosing within moments of them becoming common knowledge.

Hopefully this blog will allow the old team to sharpen its claws again, without the need to stand outside Gigg Lane in all weathers working out if we've broken even on the latest edition, and maybe even allow a new contributor or two to raise their head and have a say. The old favourites will be resurrected and a few new ones developed, and there'll be an opportunity for some WWYATS? gold with some classics from the old fanzines posted up for your enjoyment again.

Thanks for visiting, please pop back regularly and enjoy the blog.

Up The Shakers.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Wear your old shirt day, then and now.

Remember 20 years ago?

Like it was yesterday for those of us who were there. Gary Kelly v Lee Bracey for the goalkeepers jersey, Mark Carter and David Johnson doing the master and apprentice role, Chris Lucketti and Tony Rigby in their pomp and the final memorable Saturday when the Shakers won 3-0 and everyone in the ground was listening to Radio Manchester commentating on Scunthorpe v Darlington, the result of which would either confirm promotion or condemn the Shakers to ply off agony once again.

When you look at the footage of the final few seconds with everyone milling about on the pitch awaiting the final whistle from Glanford park, the eagle eyed observer will notice a strange phenomenon. The Shakers fans certainly aren't wearing a uniform colour of shirt, even though the replica kit market was at least 10 years into it's high priced swing by then.

The reason can be laid firmly at the door of WWYATS? In an attempt to liven up the last day of the season we had declared it 'wear your old shirt day' and the fanbase had embraced the concept. The Bury Times had given the idea some print inches and as over 5000 gathered for the final fixture shirts of every vintage were on display much to the pleasure of the team knocking out fanzines for 50p on the forecourt.

It certainly relieved the tension of the final day, spotting the Hobbot shadow stripe from 83/4, looking for a spray breaker, wondering if anyone had the lucky Blue Umbro and comparing the offerings home and away from the Ribero/Macphersons years. One of my favourite memories of that day was the TV gantry stringing up a washing line with about half a dozen different shirts pegged up.

A few years later we did it again, early on in the season as a nod to the fact that by early September the current season's kits hadn't yet arrived in a container from somewhere in Aisa. Some benefit did come from it, as we collected unwanted kits that were boxed up and sent out to India where they were donated to a football league for kids in Goa.

So, ever the old nostalgic I wonder could we do it again? We have another 20 seasons of kits to go at. I reckon between 50 and 60 shirts to add to the mix. Some shirts that have gone down in Shakers history; the Purple and Green years, the Golden birthdays shirt, Choccy and Blue numbers, some black ones, some blue ones, a grey one, a silver one not to mention 2 decades of home shirts.

Lets do it, the final home game on Sunday May 8th v Southend 12.30 kick off will be a sunny spring lunchtime. Lets celebrate the season, 20 years since that amazing promotion day and look back on some sartorial history. I'll be wearing my old shirt, which one will you choose?


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